Translation: R. Taki. Moon on the Ruined Castle . Flute Solo.
Translation: All praise to thee who safe has kept (Samuel Sebastian Wesley). Sacred. Hymn. 88. 88 (LM). a cappella. Keyboard.
Translation: The moon has risen (Johann Abraham Peter Schulz). Secular. Folksong. a cappella.
Translation: Keep us, Lord, at thy word. by D. Buxtehude (c.1637–1707). BuxWV 185. Baroque. for Organ.
Translation: The moon is up. by J. A. P. Schulz (1747–1800). Renaissance. for Organ, Voice.
Translation: sebastian bach joh (1685-1750). Organ arrangements of Armin Frowein. BWV-0178 where the Lord God does not keep us.
Translation: lively. chorlied. the moon is risen.
Translation: schultz-j.a.p.. the moon has risen, Lord, abide with us.
Translation: schultz-j.a.p.. the moon has risen choir a cappella.