Translation: Henry VIII. Pastime with Good Company . Flute Solo.
Translation: A Prayer of King Henry VI (Henry Law). Sacred. Introit. a cappella.
Translation: The air is heavy with the breath of flowers (Henry C. Watson). Secular. Partsongs. a cappella.
Translation: Alleluia (Henry Purcell). Sacred. Anthem. a cappella.
Translation: Bacchus is a pow'r divine (Henry Purcell). Secular. Art song. Basso continuo.
Translation: Begin the song (The Resurrection) (Henry Purcell). Sacred. Art song. Basso continuo.
Translation: Blow up the trumpet (Henry Purcell). Sacred. Anthem. Verse anthem. Organ.
Translation: Britons, strike home! (Henry Purcell). Secular. a cappella.
Translation: In Cantata Iubilo cordis (Henry Vercoe). Sacred. Cantata. String together. Organ.
Translation: 10 catches (Henry Purcell). Secular. Canon. a cappella.
Translation: Christ was born on Christmas Day (Henry Walford Davies). Sacred. Carol. a cappella.
Translation: Come, Thou Holy Spirit (Henry Law). Sacred. Anthem. a cappella.
Translation: Dido and Aeneas, Z 626 (Henry Purcell). Secular. Opera.