Translation: Golden light (Gregorian chant). Sacred. Office hymn. a cappella.
Translation: Christ praise we have (Gregorian chant). Sacred. Singing. a cappella.
Translation: Dies Irae (Gregorian chant). Sacred. Singing. a cappella.
Translation: In martyris Laurentii (Gregorian chant). Sacred. Office hymn. a cappella.
Translation: Rorate coeli (Advent prose) (Gregorian chant). Sacred. Singing. Antiphon. a cappella.
Translation: Veni Sancte Spiritus (Gregorian chant). Sacred. Sequence hymn. a cappella. Keyboard.
Translation: Verb caro (Gregorian chant). Sacred. Singing. a cappella.
Translation: Gregorian chant. Puer natus.
Translation: Villoldo, Angel Gregorio. Battleship Rivadavia. Plan. Early 20th century.
Translation: Rieth, József. 12 vers az 'Amor Sanctus' kötetből. SATB choir. Modern.
Translation: Manookian, Jeff. String Quartet 'The Dances of St. Gregory'. 2 Violins. Viola. Cello. Modern.
Translation: Ave Maria (Gregory Hamilton). Sacred. Motet.
Translation: View from heaven's throne (Joseph Gregor Zangl). Sacred. Motet. Organ.
Translation: Cantabant Sancti Canticum Novum (Gregor Aichinger). Sacred. Motet. a cappella.
Translation: Glory to God in the highest (Christian Gregor). Sacred. Anthems.
Translation: Factus est repente (Gregor Aichinger). Sacred. Motet. a cappella.
Translation: In Paradisum (Gregory Hamilton). Sacred. Anthems. Keyboard.
Translation: Incipit lamentatio (Gregorio Allegri). Sacred. Choir. Motet. a cappella.