Translation: View from heaven's throne (Joseph Gregor Zangl). Sacred. Motet. Organ.
Translation: Cantabant Sancti Canticum Novum (Gregor Aichinger). Sacred. Motet. a cappella.
Translation: Glory to God in the highest (Christian Gregor). Sacred. Anthems.
Translation: Factus est repente (Gregor Aichinger). Sacred. Motet. a cappella.
Translation: Maria, Jungfrau rein (Joseph Gregor Zangl). Sacred. Motet. Organ.
Translation: Missa de Beata Virgine (Gregor Aichinger). Sacred. Mass. a cappella.
Translation: Noe, noe (Gregor Aichinger). Sacred. Motet. a cappella.
Translation: O Mary, my help (Joseph Gregor Zangl). Sacred. Motet. Organ.
Translation: O sacrum convivium (Gregor Aichinger). Sacred. Motet. Keyboard.
Translation: Regina Coeli (Gregor Aichinger). Sacred. Motet. a cappella.
Translation: Virgo, Mater Dei pure (Gregor Aichinger). Sacred. Motet. a cappella.
Translation: Virgo, Mater benigna (Gregor Aichinger). Sacred. Motet. a cappella.
Translation: Virgo, quae charitate (Gregor Aichinger). Sacred. Motet. a cappella.
Translation: Virgo, quae salutata (Gregor Aichinger). Sacred. Motet. a cappella.
Translation: Troparion of the Nativity of Christ (Greek, Ch.4) np6.pdf np6.mid.
Translation: Troparion of the Feast of Byzantine chant in Greek tropgrek.pdf tropgrek.mid tropgrek.mus.