Translation: Ostijn, Willy. Images from Zeebrugge. orchestra. Classical.
Translation: Guestrin, Nestor. Salta Pictures. Guitar / Orchestra: - tm Strings. Classical.
Translation: Mussorgsky, Modest Petrovich. Pictures at an Exhibition. Plan. Romantic.
Translation: Beischer-Matyó, Tamás. Pécs Pictures. Concert Band. Modern.
Translation: Schubert, Franz. Schwanengesang, D.957. Excerpts. Voice and piano. Romantic.
Translation: Grieg, Edvard. Poetic Tone-Pictures, Op.3. Arrangements and Transcriptions. plan. Romantic.
Translation: M. Mussorgsky. Promenade from Pictures at an Exhibition. Flute Solo.
Translation: Pictures at an Exhibition: Promenade. by M. Mussorgsky (1839–1881). Romantic. for Piano.
Translation: 118. The Figure Of Three.
Translation: 174. Fig For A Kiss.
Translation: 443. A Fig For A Kiss .
Translation: A. Apukhtin, "How Russia begins," for soloists, mixed chorus and piano (full score, the party)..
Translation: JS Bah. Triosonata D major (for two flutes, cello and harpsichord / piano score /).
Translation: *. Vangelis, "Voices" ("Voices"), the total score..
Translation: M. Marutaev, Subject's eye view from the soundtrack for "Merry Magic" (arranged for piano four hands Creative workshop Vladimir Gu ...
Translation: M. Marutaev, Polka from the soundtrack to "Merry Magic" (arranged for piano four hands Creative workshop Vladimir Gusev www.VguseV ...
Translation: Mussorgsky. pictures at an exhibition. 01 images.
Translation: Mussorgsky. pictures at an exhibition. Figure 02.