Translation: Dyson, Peter. This is the Record of John. SATB and Tenor Saxophone. Modern.
Translation: W.A. Mozart. That sounds so pretty from The Magic Flute, K. 620. Flute duet.
Translation: Trad. German. It is a sprung Ros. Flute duet.
Translation: R.S. Willis. It Came Upon the Midnight Clear . Flute duet.
Translation: G. Verdi. It is a lamp from La forza del destino. Flute \u0026 Piano.
Translation: P. Gripp. This is the Best Burrito I've Ever Eaten . Flute Solo.
Translation: Alas, this' my eyes (Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina). Secular. Madrigal. a cappella.
Translation: All pleasure is of this condition (John Wilbye). Secular. Madrigal. a cappella.
Translation: And is it night (Robert Jones). Secular. Lute song. Lute.
Translation: This month of May (Robert Godard). Secular. Song. a cappella.
Translation: This month of May (Clement Janequin). Secular. Song. a cappella.
Translation: This is not play (Peter Passereau). Secular. Song. a cappella.
Translation: What good is it to die (James Gorzanis). Secular. Madrigal. a cappella.
Translation: This is a faithful saying (Heinrich Schütz). Sacred. Motet. a cappella.
Translation: This is my joy (Johann Ludwig Bach). Sacred. Motet. Basso continuo.
Translation: It is a wonder of the world W (Nielsen). Sacred. Hymn. a cappella.
Translation: That's beautiful Venice (12 entries) (Andrea Gabrieli). Secular. Madrigal.