Translation: Trad. Scottish. For These Are My Mountains . Flute Solo.
Translation: All pleasure is of this condition (John Wilbye). Secular. Madrigal. a cappella.
Translation: Away with these self-loving lads (John Dowland). Secular. Lute song. Lute.
Translation: Believe me, if all those endearing young charms (Traditional). Secular. Folksong. a cappella.
Translation: Cease these false sports (John Dowland). Secular. Lute song. Lute.
Translation: These unfortunate fools (Jacob Buus). Secular. Songs. a cappella.
Translation: Christ, whose glory fills the skies (Douglas Walczak). Sacred. Hymn. a cappella.
Translation: From that part'il sol (James Gorzanis). Secular. Madrigal. a cappella.
Translation: Since then I saw (Cornelio Antonelli da Rimini). Secular. Madrigal. a cappella.
Translation: These nights so long (Anonymous). Secular. Carol. a cappella.
Translation: Lord, bless these hands united (Anthony Awtrey). Sacred. Hymn. Keyboard.
Translation: Love those beams that breed (John Dowland). Secular. Lute song. Lute.
Translation: These women (John Ghizzole). Secular. Madrigal. Basso continuo.
Translation: These are not pious tears (rough draft) (Anonymous). Secular. Madrigal. a cappella.
Translation: See those sweet eyes - Love would discharge (William Byrd). Secular. Partsong. a cappella.
Translation: Followed that template (No. 4 from 'Feast') (Adriano Banchieri). Secular. Madrigal. a cappella.
Translation: Are these the frizzy hair (Claudio Monteverdi). Secular. Madrigal. a cappella.