Translation: JS Bach. Awake, the voice calls us BWV 140. Flute Solo.
Translation: Awake and sing (Jonathan Adams). Sacred. Anthem. a cappella. organ.
Translation: Awake, my soul, and with the sun (Samuel Sebastian Wesley). Sacred. Hymn. 88. 88 (LM). a cappella. Keyboard.
Translation: Awake, put on thy strength (Michael Wise). Sacred. Anthem. Organ.
Translation: O Zion Awake, Rejoice! (Thurlow Weed). Sacred. Anthem.
Translation: Sister awake! (Thomas Bateson). Secular. Madrigal. a cappella.
Translation: Wake every breath (William Billings). Sacred. Canons. a cappella.
Translation: Winter Daydreams, Op. 60a (Louie Madrid Calleja). Secular. Madrigal. a cappella.
Translation: Zion, awake, thy strength renew (Thurlow Weed). Sacred. Shape Notes. Keyboard.
Translation: Awake, the voice calls us. by J. S. Bach (1685–1750). BWV 645. Baroque. for Organ.
Translation: Old english Christmas carol. Christians awake.
Translation: Christmas traditional. Waken! Christian children.
Translation: Cancer. choral. Awake.
Translation: rinck. Awake.
Translation: stubble. cantata. Cantate Domino. 3:00 wake up.
Translation: scholinus. awakened from sweet slumber.