Translation: So a clear source of sol (Claudio Monteverdi). Secular. Madrigal. Basso continuo.
Translation: That's what proud moment / Naht nun die Abschiedsstunde, KV 436 (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart). Secular. Partsong.
Translation: I know what it means to be lonesome (Brockman and Vincent Kendis). Secular. Barbershop. a cappella.
Translation: Lo! star-led chiefs (William Crotch). Sacred. Anthem. Keyboard.
Translation: Rejoice ye shining worlds on high (William Billings). Sacred. Hymn. a cappella.
Translation: What is it but still the Trincke (Jobst Brandt from). Secular.
Translation: Everything you do. by D. Buxtehude (c.1637–1707). BuxWV 4. Baroque. for a9. C.A.T.B Con 5 Viole.
Translation: Quartet No. 4 in C Minor: 1. Allegro ma non so. by L. V. Beethoven (1770–1827). Op. 18 No. 4. Classical. for String Quartet: Violi ...
Translation: sebastian bach joh (1685-1750). bwv525-771 organ works. bwv1090-1120 Neumeistersammlung. BWV-1094 o jesus what is your creative.