Translation: Dyson, Peter. Song for a Sleepy Child. Solo voice plus optional chor. Modern.
Translation: Chorus of Angels (D. 440) (Franz Schubert). Sacred. Anthem. a cappella.
Translation: Choir of the Norwegian sailor (Richard Wagner). Secular. Opera. Orchestra.
Translation: Nachtlied. by M. Reger (1873–1916). Op. 138, No. 3. Romantic. for five-part choir a cappella.
Translation: bortnjanski. chorlied. tebe poem choir.
Translation: Brodersen. chorllied. fb05chor.
Translation: Brodersen. chorllied. fb07chor.
Translation: Brodersen. chorllied. fb10chor.
Translation: Brodersen. chorllied. fb12chor.
Translation: Brodersen. chorllied. fb13chor.
Translation: Brodersen. chorllied. fb16chor.
Translation: Brodersen. chorllied. fb17chor.
Translation: dowland. Choir. dowland.
Translation: dowland. Choir. john dowland psalm100.
Translation: Gesualdo. Choir. dark period.
Translation: Gesualdo. Choir. responsorien. resp-i.
Translation: Gesualdo. Choir. responsorien. resp-ix.
Translation: Gesualdo. Choir. responsorien. resp-v.