Translation: 70. The Besom In Bloom.
Translation: 304. The Blooming Meadows .
Translation: 492. The Bloom Of Youth .
Translation: 515. The Bush In Bloom .
Translation: 633. The Flax In Bloom .
Translation: Look at that flower (José de Torres). Sacred. Carol. Basso continuo.
Translation: Now each flowery bank of May (Orlando Gibbons). Secular. Madrigal. a cappella.
Translation: There is a flower that bloometh (William Vincent Wallace). Secular. Partsong. Plan.
Translation: Much more beautiful little flower (Johann Hermann Schein). Secular. Madrigal. a cappella.
Translation: Robert Alexander Schumann. The Lotus Flower.
Translation: Robert Alexander Schumann. You're like a flower.
Translation: 40. Jesse, the Flower Of Dunblane .
Translation: 512. The Flower Of The Flock .
Translation: knuth juergen. canon. canon-blooming flowers.
Translation: Robert Schumann. sololied. You're like a flower.
Translation: veit. the beetle and the flower.