Translation: JL Pierpont. Jingle Bells . Flute \u0026 Piano.
Translation: Bella porta di rubini (Andrea Falconieri). Secular. air. Basso continuo.
Translation: The beautiful glory, honor the beautiful (Claude Le Jeune). Secular. Song. a cappella.
Translation: How lovely shines the morning star (John Knowles Paine). Sacred. Oratorios. a cappella.
Translation: That the company is beautiful (Claude Goudimel). Sacred. Motet. a cappella.
Translation: How beautifully shines the morning star (Michael Praetorius). Sacred. Motet. Basso continuo. flutes by voice.
Translation: French popular. Les merveilles de l'opйra(Rйveillez-vous, belle endormie).