Translation: Bodhipaksha, Kevin. Beag Dearg. 2 piccolos. 3 flutes. 2 oboes. 1 English horn. 2 clarinets [B-flat. A. (C)]. 1 bass clarinet [B-fl ...
Translation: Elgar, Edward. The Crown of India, Op.66. For Military Band (Winterbottom). Suite, Op.66a. Arrangements and Transcriptions. Masque ...
Translation: A. Apukhtin, "How Russia begins," for soloists, mixed chorus and piano (full score, the party)..
Translation: А. Виральдини, Ария Руфи с хором ("Ci sara'...") из оперы-оратории "Ликующая Руфь, клавир МP3-иллюстрация.
Translation: M. Tariverdiyev, words by A. Ashkenazi, "Vocal novel" from the soundtrack to the television movie "The Ten times the love.":.