Translation: Traditional. Jolly Old Saint Nicholas . Flute duet.
Translation: L. Bourgeois. Old 100th . Flute quartet.
Translation: My old Kentucky home (Stephen Collins Foster). Secular. Partsong. Plan.
Translation: Old Chiron (Michael Wise). Sacred. Anthems. a cappella.
Translation: Old Lancaster (Thurlow Weed). Sacred. Hymn settings. 86. 86 (CM). a cappella. Keyboard.
Translation: The Old Songs (Geoffrey O'Hara). Secular. Barbershop. a cappella.
Translation: Old hundredth (Charles H. Giffen). Sacred. Hymn setting. a cappella. keyboard.
Translation: There is an old belief (Charles Hubert Hastings Parry). Sacred. Motet. a cappella.
Translation: Nº. 38. Old German Air.. by F. Horetzky (1796–1870). Classical. for Classical Guitar.
Translation: Nº. 57. Old Saxon Air.. by F. Horetzky (1796–1870). Classical. for Classical Guitar.
Translation: Old 113th (hymntune). by M. Greiter (1500–1552). Hymn. for Voice (SATB).
Translation: Old 100th. Anonymous. Hymn. for Voice (SATB).
Translation: I Cannot Sing the Old Songs. by Claribel [C. A. Barnard (1830–1869)]. Song. for Voice and Piano.
Translation: Old Irish folk melody "The Irish jaunting car". Bonnie blue flag.
Translation: Old english Christmas carol. Christians awake.
Translation: Old welsh carol. Deck the hall.
Translation: 232. Old As The Hills .