Translation: Of poplar (Juan Vasquez). Secular. Carol. a cappella.
Translation: Between two green poplars (Juan Blas de Castro). Secular. Madrigal. a cappella.
Translation: Angels from the realms of glory (Anonymous). Sacred. Carol. a cappella.
Translation: Behold the Lamb of God (Tim Risher). Sacred. Anglican chant. Brass quintet.
Translation: Chandos Anthem No. 9: No. 7 - Ye boundless realms of joy (George Frideric Handel). Sacred. Anthems. Keyboard.
Translation: God and the Universe (Charles Villiers Stanford). Sacred. Anthem. a cappella.
Translation: O God of hosts, the mighty Lord (John Broderip). Sacred. Hymn. 86. 86 (CM). a cappella.
Translation: Precatio Deum. by F. Couperin (1668–1733). Baroque. for Set: Lower sizes, Bass, Basso Continuo.
Translation: Javier Fajardo. Song of Nature.
Translation: beethoven. chorlied. the sky may rejoice. the glory of God from the natural.
Translation: gross. brass quartet.