Translation: Slavnika to have cried. Ch. 8-th, in tune St.Zossima desert (pdf, enc, midi).
Translation: Slavnika for Praises. Ch. 8-th, in tune St.Zossima desert (pdf, enc, midi).
Translation: Slavnika to have cried. Ch. 2 nd, to tune the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra (pdf, enc).
Translation: Stanza for Praises. Ch. 2 nd, to tune the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra (pdf, enc).
Translation: Litany guards: everyday Tunes (pdf, enc); to tune the Valaam Monastery (pdf, enc, midi).
Translation: Matins: Honest. Everyday tune, in the exposition. arhim.Matfeya (pdf, enc, midi).
Translation: Troparion of the 9 th hour. Chapter 8-th, tune St.Zossima desert (pdf, enc, midi).