Translation: "Time after Time", from the musical "It Happened in Brooklyn", transcription for mixed choir. Ensemble. a cappella.
Translation: Orlando di Lasso. Language. Latin. SATB.
Translation: Jazz Quartet. Anderson, Gustav.
Translation: Plan.
Translation: In my life last time. 12 arias and songs for dying, death, resurrection, eternal life. Bach, Johann Sebastian.
Translation: But you'll after that time, GWV 1157.
Translation: But you'll after that time, GWV 1137. Graupner, Christoph.
Translation: to be repeted after each verse and with a puzzling alternative final. The notes' values are as in the manuscript.
Translation: to be repeted after each verse. Sacred , Hymn. Latin. STT.
Translation: In the Sanctus the notes after the number “3” are in “proportio sesquialtera”. Sacred , Mass. Latin. ATB.
Translation: This is the Antiphon of B. V. M. for the Easter time, sung at the end of "Completorium", the last Liturgical Hour of the day.
Translation: Languages. Latin , English. Although essentially tonal, the octatonic mode will seem somewhat unusual to many.