Translation: Song From The Magic Flute. Winds Through The Olive Trees. Battle Hymn Of The Republic. The Entertainer Theme.
Translation: The tunes in each book of each series are in the same keys and include guitar chords. The Dom Pedro.
Translation: Every type of dance tune is represented. To help those whose music reading skills only extends as far as finding the notes.
Translation: The tunes are suitable for every instrument associated with traditional music, and only 14 notes are required to play them all.
Translation: is the revolutionary series of masterworks on CD- or DVD-ROM that transforms a PC or MAC computer into a virtual music library.
Translation: Classical, folk, and Irish melodies are presented with guitar chords shown. The Belles Of Clonallan.
Translation: This music book is a collection of 124 tunes arranged for the Hammered Dulcimer and other "C" melody instruments.
Translation: Could I Have This Dance. Don't Fear the Reaper. The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face. Fly Me to the Moon.
Translation: 101 Popular Songs for Brass . Santorella Publications is proud to present 101 Popular Songs for Brass .
Translation: The companion CD is in stereo play-along format. The Entertainer Theme. Battle Hymn Of The Republic. Dance.
Translation: Alec's portion is intended as a guide for the clawhammer or frailing banjo player with some previous experience in this style.
Translation: recorder duo, I was inspired to enlarge the two-part repertory for period events. Playford’s Dancing Master.
Translation: Dance, Dance Jews. Shaking Dance. Here Comes the Cavalry. Here's the Money, My Gypsy.
Translation: Every horn player will have a unique opportunity to play along with the greatest studio musicians in Los Angeles.