Translation: All Of Me. Roll Out The Barrel. Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea. Beyond The Blue Horizon.
Translation: All The Things You Are. Call Me Irresponsible. Dearly Beloved.
Translation: With Budget Books, you get more Bang for your buck. Abide with Me. The Love of God. A Child Of The King.
Translation: The great Baroque master composer Johann Sebastian Bach. Only to God on high be glory. When Jesus Christ in the night.
Translation: Lord, I Lift Your Name on High. Shout to the Lord. The Wonderful Cross. Spirit Of The Living God.
Translation: 118 of the most loved hymns of all time, including. The Church's One Foundation. Every Time I Feel the Spirit.
Translation: This collection gathers more than 150 of the most beloved hymns of all time, and includes multiple verses.
Translation: The Anniversary Waltz. Kiss Me Much. Have I Told You Lately That I Love You. How High the Moon.
Translation: But Not for Me. Dream a Little Dream of Me. Fly Me to the Moon. How Do You Keep the Music Playing.
Translation: This second edition is a selection of 75 prime jazz favorites, including All of You, The Girl from Ipanema, Satin Doll and more.
Translation: Abide with Me. Abide with Me. In the Garden. Breathe On Me, Breath Of God. He Leadeth Me.
Translation: 100 beloved songs from the 1930s, all in the key of C, with melody, lyrics and simplified chords in large notation.
Translation: Endless Love. Greatest Love of All. High and Dry. How Deep Is Your Love. Over the Rainbow.
Translation: The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face. God Bless' the Child. And One More for the Road. The Way We Were.
Translation: I Love Paris. The Rain in Spain. Somebody to Love. Under the Sea. Walk on the Wild Side.
Translation: Let The Lower Lights Be Burning. Abide with Me. Jesus Is The Sweetest Name I Know. I Want Jesus to Walk with Me.
Translation: Music and Lyrics for 100 Standards from the Golden Age of American Song. Count Your Blessings Instead of Sheep.
Translation: Every song is based on a basic chord structure upon which the melody relies for overall feeling and sound. Indian Love Song.