Translation: Country . Everybody Sing Praise To The Lord. Faith In God Can Move A Mountain. He Was There All The Time.
Translation: The Party's Over. Three Coins in the Fountain. The Things We Did Last Summer. All I Need Is The Girl.
Translation: You've Got a Friend in Me. Can you feel the love tonight. Just Around The Riverbend. If I Never Knew You.
Translation: 100 memorable songs, all in the key of C. Joy to the World. Let It Be. The Closer I Get To You.
Translation: When The Saints Go Marching In. Never Smile At A Crocodile. Roses From The South. The Ballad Of Davy Crockett.
Translation: Baker Street. Billy, Don't Be a Hero. Dust in the Wind. I Feel the Earth Move. I'll Be There.
Translation: Blowin' in the Wind. Born to Be Wild. Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds. I Think It's Gonna Be a Long Long Time.
Translation: Down by the Salley Gardens. How Can I Keep from Singing. Pop Goes the Weasel. The Lark In The Clear Air.
Translation: You need only minimal playing skills and three chords--G, C, and D7--to accompany all the great songs in this innovative book.
Translation: He brings his expertise and broad knowledge of the literature to this series. All I Need Is The Girl. Go The Distance.
Translation: Most people know the tunes to hundreds of songs, but know the words to only a few. The Activity Room.
Translation: Under the Sea. Walk on the Wild Side. We Are Family. Dimming Of The Day. Early In The Morning.
Translation: Can't Help Falling in Love. A Day in the Life. Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend. Don't Fear the Reaper.
Translation: Baker Street. Band on the Run. The Boys Are Back in Town. Dust in the Wind. I Feel the Earth Move.
Translation: Over 100 more songs from the 1940s, including. Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend. Ev'ry Time We Say Goodbye.
Translation: Each song in a fake book only has a single melody actually written out in notes, which is usually the vocal or lead melody.
Translation: I'll Never Fall in Love Again. I've Gotta Be Me. Over the Rainbow. The Pink Panther. The Rose.
Translation: 100 more favorites performed by the Chairman of the Board, with no duplication from the first volume.