Translation: WV 89 Double Concerto composed by Erwin Schulhoff. For flute and piano solo, string orchestra and 2 horns. Horn sheet music.
Translation: Db, M.S. composed by Erwin Schulhoff. Violet. Db, M.S. Double Bass sheet music. Viola sheet music. Violet.
Translation: FLT. PFA. --. Suitable for advanced players.
Translation: For Flute, Piano Accompaniment. Sonata for flute and piano. Piano Accompaniment sheet music. 1894-1942. Music Sales America.
Translation: Violet. Db, Parts. Double Bass sheet music. Piccolo sheet music. Viola sheet music. Violet.
Translation: Plan.
Translation: This magnificent CD should be in the collection of all serious flute students and teachers. Published by C.L. Barnhouse. CL.WFR831.