Translation: 12 Sacred Songs, Op.13. Scores.
Translation: Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, SWV 430 The Gratias after eating. 12 Sacred Songs, Op.13.
Translation: Kyrie eleison, Christe eleison, SWV 428 The teutsche common Litany. 12 Sacred Songs, Op.13.
Translation: The eyes of all wait upon thee, SWV 429 The Benedicite before eating. 12 Sacred Songs, Op.13.
Translation: O sweet Jesus Christ, SWV 427 Des H. Bernhardi song of joy. 12 Sacred Songs, Op.13.
Translation: Our Lord Jesus Christ, in the night, SWV 423 The word of the establishment of the Lord's Supper.
Translation: I thank the Lord with all your heart, SWV 424 The 111. 12 Sacred Songs, Op.13. Psalm. Scores.
Translation: My soul doth magnify the Lord, SWV 426 Magnificat. 12 Sacred Songs, Op.13. Scores.
Translation: 12 Sacred Songs, Op.13. Schütz, Heinrich.
Translation: I gläube to a certain God, SWV 422 The Nicene Faith. 12 Sacred Songs, Op.13.
Translation: We giving thanks for all God SWV 425. 12 Sacred Songs, Op.13.
Translation: All honor and praise shall be of God, SWV 421 The teutsche Gloria in excelsis. 12 Sacred Songs, Op.13.