Translation: Violet. Cello.
Translation: Josef Weinberger Ltd., London. Violet. Legacy Edition.
Translation: Josef Weinberger Ltd., London. Legacy Edition.
Translation: Josef Weinberger Ltd., London. String Quartet. Legacy Edition.
Translation: Josef Strauss. Percussion sheet music. Edited by Howard K. Wolf. For orchestra. 11, 2, 2, 2 - 4, 4, 3, 1, percussion, strings. Romantic.
Translation: Piano sheet music. 1825-1899. Viennese. Romantic. Keyboard. conductor score. Composed 1863. Published by Edwin F. Kalmus. KM.A6540.
Translation: String Quartet. FOLIO..
Translation: Arranged by Pfortner. For full orchestra. Published by Neil A. Kjos Music Company. KJ.JS27002.
Translation: Also called Fire Festival Polka, this transcription captures all the sparkle of the original. Edited by Terry Vosbein.
Translation: Viola sheet music. Violin sheet music.
Translation: 'Annen Polka' op. 117, 'Demolierer Polka' op. 269, 'Explosionen Polka' op. The Champagner Polka op.