Translation: Act III. Air. Of a poor shepherd herd. Handel, George Frideric.
Translation: Act III. Air. Of a poor shepherd herd.
Translation: Air. Of a poor shepherd herd. Handel, George Frideric.
Translation: Continuous. Act III. Air. Of a poor shepherd herd. Parts. Handel, George Frideric.
Translation: D - A. wipe the tears unjust. D - A. Prisoner ho the soul in torment. And - A. Pastorello of a poor herd. Sheet Music.
Translation: Accompanied "Done hell is my chest" - Air "Pastorello of a poor herd". Tenor. Sheet Music. Tenor. Piano Accompaniment. TEN. PFA.
Translation: Pastorello dun povero armento. Pastorello dun povero armento. High Voice sheet music. Voice .