Translation: Orchestral Excerpts from the Symphonic Repertoire - Volume 1 for cello.
Translation: Orchestral Excerpts. Orchestral excerpt book. Over 200 excerpts. Other volumes available.
Translation: Orchestral Excerpts from Classical And Modern Works, Volume IV - Clarinet edited by Robert McGinnis. Stops.
Translation: Orchestral Excerpts. Orchestral excerpt book. Orchestral Excerpts from Classical .
Translation: Orchestral Excerpts From Classical And Modern Works, Volume I - CLARINET edited by Robert McGinnis.
Translation: Grieg. This volume includes Grieg's Lyric Pieces and Mendelssohn's Songs Without Words and his four-hand piano music.
Translation: Orchestral Excerpts From Classical And Modern Works, Volume II - CLARINET edited by Robert McGinnis.
Translation: Orchestral Excerpts. Orchestral excerpt book. Other volumes available. Volume 2.
Translation: Composed by The Royal Conservatory Music Development Program. Published by The Frederick Harris Music Company.
Translation: SERGE LANCEN - Serge Lancen was born in Paris on 5 November 1922 in a family of surgeons from father to son.