Translation: The source for this hymn is found in manuscript and microfilm.
Translation: or A cappella. Sacred , Partsong. English. A note by Robert Nottingham.
Translation: A cappella. Sacred , Motet , Eucharistic song. Language. Latin. SATB. The source for this hymn is found in manuscript and microfilm.
Translation: high, they may need the support of one or two of the other voice par. Sacred , Motet , Eucharistic song. SSATB. Source.
Translation: All solo lines would be chanted giving close attention to the stress of the text. A cappella. Sacred , Motet. Language. Latin. SATB.
Translation: The very beginning of verse one is identical to the music in the source on which the arrangement is based.
Translation: Uses variant of third line of the Marian prayer. A cappella. Sacred , Motet. Language. SATB. A,T.
Translation: whilst even a less experience one should be able, with a little work and patience, to take on the piece successfully.
Translation: Mozart's first setting of the Regina Coeli in C major, K. 108, and his second, in B-flat major, K. 127, was written one year later.
Translation: The work includes an optional solo in the tenor line, which would also suit a baritone, or even a low alto. Leanne Daharja Veitch.
Translation: The solo line would suit a soloist from the choir ranks, or a small group of mixed voices from second soprano and first alto. Plan.