Translation: Eight and a Half. Eight and a Half composed by Nino Rota. B-Flat Trumpet sheet music. Tuba sheet music. 1911-1979.
Translation: Concerto for Bassoon and Orchestra - Horn 1 composed by Nino Rota. Bassoon Solo sheet music. 20th Century.
Translation: Concerto for Bassoon and Orchestra - Horn 2 composed by Nino Rota. Bassoon Solo sheet music. 20th Century.
Translation: Petite Offrande Musicale - Flute Htbois Clar Cor Basson composed by Nino Rota. Clarinet sheet music. Flute sheet music.
Translation: from the Paramount Picture The Godfather. Only. Instrumental Parts. Piano Accompaniment. Bass Clef Instrument, range.