Translation: Music for Pieces of Wood, 5 Claves composed by Steve Reich. Performance scores.
Translation: features 3 families of percussion instruments. claves, woodblocks, temple blocks, log drums, slap stick.
Translation: 4-octave marimba, claves. Percussion 5. The first section consists of mostly long sustained notes.
Translation: For Percussion Quartet. snare drum, claves. bongos, claves, suspended cymbal, vibes.
Translation: Xylophone sheet music. Five Short Pieces composed by Donald Miller. For Percussion Ensemble. Grade 5.
Translation: Four Studies for Young Percussion Ensemble composed by Mario Gaetano. For Percussion Quartet. snare drum, claves.
Translation: Percussion Music. features 3 families of percussion instruments. The piece is set primarily in 4.
Translation: 4-octave marimba, claves. , Percussion 5. The first section consists of mostly long sustained notes.