Translation: How Sweet The Sound - Amen - America, The Beautiful - America, The Heritage - And Can It Be That I Should Gain.
Translation: One-A-Day Warm-Ups for Orff Instruments composed by Linda Forrest. One a Day Warmups.
Translation: One-A-Day Warm-Ups for Orff Instruments composed by Linda Forrest. Orff Instrument sheet music.
Translation: The fully-notated version with lyrics is included at the end of the book. Father Grumble composed by John M. Feierabend.
Translation: Songs include Amazing Grace, Crown Him with Many Crowns, A Mighty Fortress Is Our God and hundreds more. A Child Of The King.
Translation: This wonderful collection will provide a wealth of singing enjoyment for the entire family. I'm A Yankee Doodle Dandy.
Translation: What a moment. Noise at The Heavy Hammer. A quoi bon the economies. I am a widely traveled man.
Translation: One. you have committed a crime. Alzira, Prologue - A horrible IncaÉeccesso. A Duel.
Translation: However, over 200 sacred and secular works exist and form a corpus of works suitable for all possible occasions.