Translation: Recommended follow up to Bach's Two Part Inventions, also published by G. Henle Verlag HN1169. Sinfonias. Sheet Music.
Translation: Two-Part Inventions, BWV 772-786. Two-Part Inventions, BWV 772-786. Published by G. Henle. Johann Sebastian Bach.
Translation: Published by G. Henle. Henle has released this new version of the Urtext Edition without fingering to accommodate that.
Translation: Published by G. Henle. Johann Sebastian Bach. Harpsichord sheet music. Piano Solo sheet music. Advanced.
Translation: Published by G. Henle. Henle has released these new versions of Urtext Editions without fingering to accommodate that.
Translation: Inventions - Symphonies. Inventions - symphonies composed by Johann Sebastian Bach. Invention 3. Invention 4.
Translation: Published by G. Henle. Franz Anton Hoffmeister. Double Bass sheet music. Piano Accompaniment sheet music. Double Bass and Piano.
Translation: Spanish Suite. "One closes one's eyes and is bedazzled by the sheer wealth of invention in this music. Advanced. Spanish Suite.
Translation: One closes one's eyes and is bedazzled by the sheer wealth of invention in this music. Harpsichord sheet music. Advanced. Piano Solo.
Translation: Invention 9 f minor BWV 780. Invention 8 F major BWV 779. Invention 7 e minor BWV 778.