Translation: Introduction “Jubilate, o amœni Chori”.
Translation: Includes works by Bach, Dvorak, Rossini, Strauss, Vivaldi and more. guitar part encompasses both parts 2 and 3.
Translation: For Flute or Oboe or Violin in C. Trios. Partbook - Part 2. Parts are available separately or may be purchased as sets.
Translation: For Flute or Oboe or Violin in C. Trios. Partbook - Part 1. Parts are available separately or may be purchased as sets.
Translation: Includes works by Bach, Dvorak, Rossini, Strauss, Vivaldi and more. Angels From The Realm Of Glory. Guitar. Various.
Translation: I Am A Pirate King. I Am The Captain Of The Pinafore. I Am The Monarch Of The Sea. I Have A Song To Sing.
Translation: Gloria - Instrumental Score and Parts composed by Antonio Vivaldi. C Trumpet, Oboe, Violin 1. 1678-1741.