Translation: Gather Us In composed by Marty Haugen. Choir sheet music. Choir Sacred. Choral. Sacred.
Translation: Gather Us In composed by Marty Haugen. C Instrument sheet music. Celebration Series.
Translation: Composed by Marty Haugen. Sacred, Gathering. Published by GIA Publications. Ritual Prayer.
Translation: Gather Us In composed by Marty Haugen. C Instrument sheet music. Handbell sheet music.
Translation: Gather Us In composed by Marty Haugen. My Soul in Stillness Waits.
Translation: Published by GIA Publications. - Within the Reign of God - Come, Let Us Sing - Soli Deo Gloria. For choir. Sacred.
Translation: Published by GIA Publications. Printed music for this setting can be found in the Music Collection. Cassette.
Translation: Ten Piano Essays on Tunes of Marty Haugen composed by Marty Haugen. Now in This Banquet.
Translation: Published by GIA Publications. Included are four simple prayer services for small gatherings. For choir.
Translation: Gather Us In. Jeanne Cotter. Piano Solo sheet music. For piano.
Translation: This impressive debut by a major new liturgical voice is a well-rounded collection of music you'll use again and again. Sacred.
Translation: Composed by Tony Alonso. " Tony Alonso and Marty Haugen. Music for Weddings. GI.G-CD-832.
Translation: - In the Arms of God. - As We Gather at Your Table. - One in the Heart of Christ. - God Sends Us Forth.
Translation: Arise, My Love - Collection composed by Marty Haugen. Published by GIA Publications. Organ sheet music.
Translation: Composed by Marty Haugen. Stories from the Gospel of Luke. GI.G-VHS-489.