Translation: Version for English Horn. English horn, Piano. English Horn. Plan.
Translation: Version for Flute . Plan.
Translation: Version for Viola. Violet. Plan.
Translation: Plan.
Translation: Version for Clarinet in Bb. Clarinet in Bb. Plan.
Translation: Quartet romantic. Main sheet music.
Translation: Small. French Horn.
Translation: Plan. The sky was light and the land all dark, the sun rose up over Central Park.
Translation: Island Gaia was inspired by a trip to the Big Island of Hawaii. 6 Solos for Recorder or Flute. Recorder sheet music. Intermediate.
Translation: A Mass in Celebration of Mother Earth. By Paul Winter. By Jim Scott, Kim Oler, Oscar Castro-Neves, Paul Halley, and Paul Winter. For Choral.
Translation: Oscar Castro-Neves.