Translation: 20 Etudes in Positions 2-5. 20 Etudes in Changing Positions. Etudes Nos.61-80. 20 Etudes in Double Stops.
Translation: Violin Method. Composed by Hans Sitt. For Violin. For unaccompanied violin. 1850-1922. String Solo.
Translation: Twenty Etudes in the Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Positions.
Translation: Studies. Op. 32 - Volume 2 composed by Hans Sitt. 20 studies in 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th positions. Studies.
Translation: Violin Methods . Violin Methods . For Violin. This is the largest violin study collection ever assembled.
Translation: The study of Viola. 30 Etudes by 8 composers in the difficulty of the moderate Mazas Violin Etudes.
Translation: The study of Viola. 40 Etudes of 14 composers in the difficulty of the violin etudes by Rodolphe Kreutzer.