Translation: Sweeter the bells never sound.
Translation: Sweet sounds the bell never.
Translation: The first fine days. Threesome. The bells are ringing the Easter one, Op.186 No.1 Issue 1. 40 Melodies French Poems. Vocal Scores.
Translation: The Bells of Strasbourg Cathedral, p.6.
Translation: The Bells of Rome. for piano. Scores. Dana, Ruth.
Translation: The Bells of Rome.
Translation: The Bells of Rome. Collection of Liszt editions, Volume 10. u for the great piano method of Lebert. componirt von Franz v.. Scores.
Translation: Prelude to 5. Act. Rautendeleins suffering. Tax collector, Heinrich.
Translation: Sweet sounds the bell never. Melody comes from the Thuringian folk song, „Seht wie die Sonne dort sinket“ published in 1808.