Translation: Final.
Translation: Only Soprano or Tenor. Original text and translations. Original text and translations may be found at.
Translation: Plan. Soloists. Composed for the Hereford Musical Festival, 1903.
Translation: Plan. English. Only.
Translation: I bear no grudge. Plan.
Translation: Quintet. Alto recorder. Plan. Tenor recorder.
Translation: Choir orchestra. High. Bassoon 1.2.3. ChoirPiano Reduction.
Translation: Alto Metallophone. FN. Carillon. Marimba.
Translation: Traditional. Choir keyboard. Joris van der Herten. Plan.
Translation: Choir keyboard. Joris van der Herten. Plan.
Translation: Drum Set B, CB,brshs on cym. Plan. Trombone.
Translation: Main sheet music. L'hurluberlu fonk part sib.
Translation: Large mixed together. Flute. Gong. Plan. Violet.