Translation: Orchestra. 1st Bassoon. 1st Clarinet in B-flat. 1st Flute. 1st Horn in F. 1st Oboe. 1st Trombone. 1st Violin. 2nd Bassoon.
Translation: Deliberately fun and slightly tongue in cheek, this arrangement by Rebecca Faith is challenging but highly enjoyable.
Translation: Banks of the Ohio.
Translation: After the performance it was praised as 'a collection of genuine Viennese tunes, full of melody and electrifying rhythm'.
Translation: Although arranged primarily for soprano recorder, most of these solos can be played on tenor or alto recorder. Recorder.
Translation: Three of the world’s most famous melodies are here. originally "The Celebrated Chop Waltz". FLT.
Translation: The work is in three movements and the musical thought is symphonic. The slow movement. Sheet Music.