Translation: "Month of May" for children's choir, 96 KB.. V.Gavrilin.
Translation: "Mama". additionally. treatment for children's choir Sergei Strokina. V.Gavrilin.
Translation: of Russian notebook. Gavrilin.
Translation: "By reading V.Shukshina". , For soloists, chorus a cappella, oboe and percussion, the score. V.Gavrilin.
Translation: Tarantella from ballet "Annie", transcription for piano. V.Gavrilin.
Translation: "Tarantella" from the ballet "Annie", a concert treatment for 2 pianos. V.Gavrilin.
Translation: "Albomchik" from the song cycle "The Evening" for soprano, mezzo-soprano voice and piano. V.Gavrilin.
Translation: Ensemble for Piano 4 hands. V.Gavrilin.
Translation: "Sketches" for two pianos. V.Gavrilin.
Translation: Collection of Piano Pieces. V.Gavrilin.
Translation: words Maksimov, "Two Brothers" for voice and piano. V.Gavrilin.
Translation: "War Letters," a vocal-symphonic poem for soloists, mixed choir and children and symphony orchestra on poems by Alexander Shulgin, score.
Translation: ballet "Annie", the score. V.Gavrilin.
Translation: "A collection of works on the site LIB.RUS.EC. V.Gavrilin.
Translation: V.Gavrilin.
Translation: For two clarinets and piano. Full score.