Translation: Wake up, my heart, and sing (Johann Sebastian Bach). Sacred. Cantatas.
Translation: Grieg, Edvard. 25 Norwegian Folk Songs and Dances, Op.17. Arrangements and Transcriptions. 1 floor. Romantic.
Translation: A Mother do that livrou two (Anonymous). Sacred. Singing. a cappella.
Translation: For Préat (singing military) (Tullio Visioli). Secular. Partsong. a cappella.
Translation: Ak, Dieva Māte, priecājies (Be Joyful, Mary, Heav'nly Queen) (Johannes Leisentritt). Sacred. Singing. a cappella.
Translation: Ak, līksmes diena (Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina). Sacred. Singing. a cappella.
Translation: All this night bright angels sing (Arthur Sullivan). Sacred. Carol. a cappella.
Translation: Alleluia, sing to Jesus (Samuel Sebastian Wesley). Sacred. Hymn. 87. 87. D. Keyboard. a cappella.
Translation: To lovers sing a madrigal (No. 8 from 'Feast') (Adriano Banchieri). Secular. Madrigal. a cappella.
Translation: The lovers sing a song (No. 9 from 'Feast') (Adriano Banchieri). Secular. Madrigal. a cappella.
Translation: Angel voices sweetly singing (Hermann Kotzschmar). Sacred. Hymn. 87. 87. D. Plan.
Translation: Angel voices, ever singing (Arthur Sullivan). Sacred. Hymn. 85. 85. 87.
Translation: At the Lamb's high feast we sing (Charles H. Giffen). Sacred. Hymn. Anthem.
Translation: And to leap, dance and sing (Heinrich Albert). Secular. Song. a cappella.
Translation: Awake and sing (Jonathan Adams). Sacred. Anthem. a cappella. organ.
Translation: I always want to sing (Giovanni Domenico da Nola). Secular. Madrigal. a cappella.
Translation: We sing of God (Andrea Gabrieli). Sacred. Madrigal.
Translation: The singing of the Britons (Hector Berlioz). Secular. Song. Plan.