Guitar tablature for "Bury Me Deep Inside Your Heart" by "Him"

Artist: Him
Piece: Bury Me Deep Inside Your Heart
Instrument: Guitar
Submitter: bfi18
Tab provided by tTabs


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Quality: 3 stars; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.

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      Razorblade Romance
      Bury me deep inside your heart

     (I think this ison keyboard but it sounds great like this)
      Guitar 1

     Guitar 2

            THats pretty much it! listen to the song for when to come in the on the 2nd guitar
       .And I think on the break he plays the same note and comes back in(when coming back in
        just play what on top)
                        Have fun! NEVER STOP PLAYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
     Any Questions/  
     Ryan Cavazos


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