Publisher. Info.
London: Goulding, D'Almaine, Potter & Co., n.d.(ca.1813).
Misc. Notes
Contains the following excerpts: Overture Solo (King): "Sweetly the bugle sounds" Duetto (King/Miller): "You're as welcome as the King" Solo (Dick): "She was sweeter than the morning" Solo (Peggy): "Tho' with shame" Duetto (Richard/Peggy): "Each doubt is flown" Quintetto (Kate/Dick/Joe/King/Miller): "Why stays he now" Solo (King): "The heart of helpless woman" Solo (Kate): "Kitty, the Maid of the Mill" Duetto (Richard/King): "The maid we love" Duetto (Kate/Joe): "On my wedding day" Solo (Miller): "How happy a fate does the Miller posess" Solo (Dick): "Oh sweet was the springtime" Air and Chorus: "Heav'n preserve the King"
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