Lyrics: Sweeny Todd. Poor thing.
Mrs. Lovett:
There was a barber and his wife,
And he was beautiful,
A proper artist with a knife,
But they transported him for life.
And he was beautiful...
Barker his name was-- Benjamin Barker.
Todd: [Spoken]
Transported? What was his crime?
Mrs. Lovett: [Spoken]
He had this wife, you see,
Pretty little thing.
Silly little nit
Had her chance for the moon on a string--
Poor thing, poor thing.
There were these two, you see,
Wanted her like mad,
One of 'em a judge,
T'other one his beadle.
Every day they'd nudge
And they'd wheedle.
Still she wouldn't budge
From her needle.
Too bad. Pure thing.
So they merely shipped the poor blighter off south, they did,
Leaving her with nothing but grief and a year-old kid.
Did she use her head even then? Oh no, God forbid!
Poor fool.
Ah, but there was worse yet to come--
Poor thing.
Johanna, that was the baby's name.
Pretty little Johanna...
Todd: [Spoke]
Go on.
Mrs. Lovett: [Spoken]
My, but you do like a good story, don't you?
Well, Beadle calls on her, all polite,
Poor thing, poor thing.
The judge, he tells her, is all contrite,
He blames himself for her dreadful plight,
She must come straight to his house tonight!
Poor thing, poor thing.
Of course, when she goes there,
Poor thing, poor thing,
They're havin' this ball all in masks.
There's no one she knows there,
Poor dear, poor thing,
She wanders tormented, and drinks,
Poor thing.
The judge has repented, she thinks,
Poor thing.
"Oh, where is Judge Turpin?" she asks.
He was there, all right--
Only not so contrite!
She wasn't no match for such craft, you see,
And everone thought it so droll.
They figured she had to be daft, you see,
So all of 'em stood there and laughed, you see.
Poor soul!
Poor thing!
Todd: [Spoken]
Would no one have mercy on her?!
Mrs. Lovett: [Spoken]
So it is you-- Benjamin Barker.
Todd: [Spoken]
Not Barker! Not Barker! Todd now! Sweeney Todd!
Mrs. Lovett: [Spoken]
Oh, you poor thing. You poor thing. Wait!
See! When they come for the little girl, I hid 'em. I thought,
who knows? Maybe the poor silly blighter'll be back again
someday and need 'em. Cracked in the head, wasn't I?
Times as bad as they are, I could have got five, maybe ten
quid for 'em, any day. See? You can be a barber again.
There was a barber and his wife,
And he was beautiful,
A proper artist with a knife,
But they transported him for life.
And he was beautiful...
Barker his name was-- Benjamin Barker.
Todd: [Spoken]
Transported? What was his crime?
Mrs. Lovett: [Spoken]
He had this wife, you see,
Pretty little thing.
Silly little nit
Had her chance for the moon on a string--
Poor thing, poor thing.
There were these two, you see,
Wanted her like mad,
One of 'em a judge,
T'other one his beadle.
Every day they'd nudge
And they'd wheedle.
Still she wouldn't budge
From her needle.
Too bad. Pure thing.
So they merely shipped the poor blighter off south, they did,
Leaving her with nothing but grief and a year-old kid.
Did she use her head even then? Oh no, God forbid!
Poor fool.
Ah, but there was worse yet to come--
Poor thing.
Johanna, that was the baby's name.
Pretty little Johanna...
Todd: [Spoke]
Go on.
Mrs. Lovett: [Spoken]
My, but you do like a good story, don't you?
Well, Beadle calls on her, all polite,
Poor thing, poor thing.
The judge, he tells her, is all contrite,
He blames himself for her dreadful plight,
She must come straight to his house tonight!
Poor thing, poor thing.
Of course, when she goes there,
Poor thing, poor thing,
They're havin' this ball all in masks.
There's no one she knows there,
Poor dear, poor thing,
She wanders tormented, and drinks,
Poor thing.
The judge has repented, she thinks,
Poor thing.
"Oh, where is Judge Turpin?" she asks.
He was there, all right--
Only not so contrite!
She wasn't no match for such craft, you see,
And everone thought it so droll.
They figured she had to be daft, you see,
So all of 'em stood there and laughed, you see.
Poor soul!
Poor thing!
Todd: [Spoken]
Would no one have mercy on her?!
Mrs. Lovett: [Spoken]
So it is you-- Benjamin Barker.
Todd: [Spoken]
Not Barker! Not Barker! Todd now! Sweeney Todd!
Mrs. Lovett: [Spoken]
Oh, you poor thing. You poor thing. Wait!
See! When they come for the little girl, I hid 'em. I thought,
who knows? Maybe the poor silly blighter'll be back again
someday and need 'em. Cracked in the head, wasn't I?
Times as bad as they are, I could have got five, maybe ten
quid for 'em, any day. See? You can be a barber again.
Миссис Ловетт:
Тут жил парикмахер со своей женой
он был красавец.
Настоящий мастер с бритвой в руках
Ему дали пожизненную ссылку
А он был так красив…
Баркер – так его звали. Бенджамин Баркер
Тодд: (говорит)
Ссылку? За какое преступление?
За глупость.
Дело в том, что у него была жена
Прелестная малышка
Простодушная дурочка.
Упустила свой звездный час
Бедняжка, бедняжка.
Видите ли, было двое человек,
Которые, с ума сходили по ней
Один из них был судья
Второй – его пристав.
Каждый день они ее уговаривали
и так льстили.
Но ничто не могло заставить ее
оставить свое вышивание.
Плохо ее дело. Бедняжка.
Тогда они оставили ее, несчастную в покое,
Оставили ни с чем, кроме ее горя и годовалого младенца на руках
Воспользовалась ли она тогда мозгами? О, нет, Боженька ведь не позволяет!
Бедная дурочка.
О, это было только начало ее бед –
Джоанна – так звали младенца
Прелестная малышка Джоанна.
Тодд: (говорит)
Я вижу, вам нравятся интересные истории, не так ли?
Как-то раз, ее позвал пристав – он был сама вежливость,
Бедняжка, бедняжка.
Он сказал что судья, сам не свой от раскаяния,
Он грызет себя за то, что повинен в ее ужасном горе
И она должна этой же ночью придти к нему домой!
Бедняжка, бедняжка.
Конечно же, как только она пошла туда,
Бедняжка, бедняжка
Там был бал-маскарад
Она там никого не знала
подавленная, она бродила между ними, и пила
Она-то думала, что судья раскаялся
«Где же судья Терпин?» – спрашивала она у всех.
А он уже был там -
Только никакого раскаяния не было и в помине!
Видите ли, она была непривыкшей к таким вещам
а всем остальным это казалось забавным.
Они смотрели на нее как на чудачку, знаете ли,
Собрались вокруг нее и насмехались, понимаете.
Бедная ее душа!
Тодд: (говорит)
Да ни уж то, никто над ней не сжалился?!
Ловетт (говорит)
Значит это вы – Бенджамин Баркер.
Не Баркер! Нет Баркера! Теперь Тодд! Суини Тодд!
Ловетт: (говорит)
О, несчастный. Несчастный. Погоди!
Смотри! Когда они пришли за младенцем, я припрятала их. Я подумала
кто знает? Может несчастный горемыка однажды вернется
и они ему понадобятся. Ненормальная, да?
Времена тяжелые, я могла бы выручить за них в любой день пять, а то
и десять фунтов. Видишь? Ты снова можешь стать парикмахером.
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