
Lyrics: SweeTartS. My Plan.

You had a bad day,
So you go in your yard.
You see a family walking,
with their dog.
The little girls laughing,
The dad's telling a joke.
And all i wish,
Is for that to be me

How come life just isn't fair?
How come there's all these troubles
we have to share?
How come nothings ever going right?
How come to get what we want
We have to put up one big fight?
How come all is going wrong?
Why do i cheer myself up
by singing one heck of a sad song?
They all say
Life isn't fair
And take it like a man
Yet it's my turn to make a plan!

So I run in the house,
Grab a pen and a paper.
I write it all down,
It's all worked out.
I go see my friend.
And for her the troubles never end,
we talk it all out
but still all i can say is

How come life just isn't fair?
How come there's all these troubles
we have to share?
How come nothings ever going right?

How come to get what we want
We have to put up one big fight?
How come all is going wrong?
Why do i cheer myself up
by singing one heck of a sad song?
They all say
Life isn't fair
And take it like a man
Yet it's our turn to make a plan!

So we run to the street,
And we scream and shout.
And we tell the whole world
to watch out.
Then a crowd gathers around us.
Now it's my chance,
to say

Trust me life will turn out fair,
Peace and love
will spread around everywhere.
Everything will turn out right,
But we have to learn
to stop this fight.
Nothing will ever go wrong,
And you'll all know
where you belong
They stopped saying
life isn't fair
and take it like a man,
Because now they know,
They all know,
Because now they no my plan

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