
Lyrics: Rua. Time.

Lying here alone I hear the ticking of the clock, it?s driving me insane.
Waiting never eases, never ceases, never stops, every moment slips away,
How long I?ve waited.

Time moves so slowly (it steals every moment)
Time creeps behind you (and steals every day)
Time races, time chases lifetimes away??

Time is ticking never stopping, always moving never static,
Time is taking every second turning minutes into hours,
Time is stealing, creeping, crawling, taking days and making weeks that turn to months and then to years, decades pass before you know it
Time will fool you tries to make you think you?re killing time,
When all the time it?s time that?s killing you?..

Wish I could fast forward time but all the while I?m motionless, it holds me fast. Suspended in the moment, still not moving so I sit and wait as minutes slip away,
How long I?ve waited.

Time moves so slowly (it steals every moment)
Time creeps behind you (and steals every day)
Time races, time chases lifetimes away??

Time is ticking never stopping, always moving never static,
Time is taking every second turning minutes into hours,
Time is stealing, creeping, crawling, taking days and making weeks that turn to months and then to years, decades pass before you know it
Time will fool you tries to make you think you?re killing time,
When all the time it?s time that?s killing you?..

(Copyright of Liz Madden & Gloria Mulhall 2005)

(Thanks to Elizabeth for these lyrics)