
Lyrics: En Vogue. Funky Divas. This Is Your Life.

I Lived Part Of My Life
Being Scared Of My Dreams
Everytime Someone Asks
What I'm Shooting For In Life
I Would Hide My True Feelings
And When I Spoke Up To My Friends
They Made Fun Of My Dreams
So When Times Got Too Rough
I Would Think Back On One Thing
My Mama Would Say To Me

[Chorus:] This Is Your Life, Live It Your Own Way

Forces Of Evil Struck Back And Forth
Throughout My Younger Days,
Because I Would Listen
And Care What Other People Would Say
Like A Four Letter Word
I Ignored The Whole World
And Built My Own Tiny World With Respect
But It Took Time To Relate
What My Momma Would Say Time After Time Again, She Said:

[Chorus x2]