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Psalmus Brevis. version reducida. Manuel Oltra. Percussion sheet music. Piano Accompaniment sheet music.


Psalmus Brevis. reduced version. Manuel Oltra. Percussion sheet music. Piano Accompaniment sheet music.


Psalmus Brevis. version reducida. composed by Manuel Oltra. For Choir, 2 Pianos, 2 Percussions. Instrumental Sets. Published by Editorial de Musica Boileau. BO.B.3096. English comments. This is a symphonic-choral work based on the Latin text of Psalm 96 and written without a set plan, as the music merely aims to express the nature and purpose of the word. Its structure is therefore very free, similar to that of some medieval madrigalists. The small choir does not necessarily have to be separate from the large choir. It can be a part of it. half or a third. The use of a piano instead of a harp and the lack of violins in the orchestra seems quite fitting to the nature of the piece. However, this is not so unusual. Composed in 1967, it was first performed at the Palau de la Musica Catalana on 5 November 1971. There is also a version for choir, two pianos and two percussionists, which, due to its simplified number of musicians, has become more widely known. Comentarios del Espanol. Obra sinfonico-coral basada en el texto latin del salmo 96 y escrita sin un plan determinado, ya que la musica solo pretende expresar el caracter y la intencion de la palabra. Su estructura es, por lo tanto, muy libre, parecida a la de algunos madrigalistas medievales. El Coro pequeno no tiene por que estar necesariamente separado del grande. Puede ser una parte. la mitad o un tercio. de este. El hecho de usar un piano en vez del arpa y de ser una orquesta sin violines parece bastante adecuado al caracter de la obra. Sin embargo, no es algo insolito. Compuesta en 1967, se estreno en el Palau de la Musica Catalana el dia 5 de noviembre de 1971. Existe tambien una version para Coro, dos pianos y dos percusionistas que, por la simplificacion en el numero de interpretes, ha facilitado su divulgacion.


Psalmus Brevis. reduced version. composed by Manuel Oltra. For Choir, 2 Pianos, 2 Percussions. Instrumental Sets. Published by Editorial de Musica Boileau. BO.B.3096. English comments. This is a symphonic-choral work based on the Latin text of Psalm 96 and written without a set plan, as the music merely aims to express the nature and purpose of the word. Its structure is therefore very free, similar to that of some medieval madrigalists. The small choir does not necessarily have to be separate from the large choir. It can be a part of it. half or a third. The use of a piano instead of a harp and the lack of violins in the orchestra seems quite fitting to the nature of the piece. However, this is not so unusual. Composed in 1967, it was first performed at the Palau de la Musica Catalana on 5 November 1971. There is also a version for choir, two pianos and two percussionists, which, due to its simplified number of musicians, has become more widely known. Spanish Comments. Symphonic-choral work based on the Latin text of Psalm 96 and written without a specific plan, because the music is only intended to express the character and intent of the word. Its structure is, therefore, very free, like that of some medieval madrigal. The small Coro need not necessarily be separated from the larger. Can be a part. half or a third. This. The fact of using a piano instead of being a harp and orchestra without violins seems quite appropriate to the character of the work. However, it is not something unusual. I composed in 1967 and premiered at the Palau de la Musica Catalana day November 5, 1971. There is also a version for choir, two pianos and two percussionists, for the simplification in the number of interpreters, has facilitated its disclosure.