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Little Ones Sing Praise.Translation
Little Ones Sing Praise.Original
Little Ones Sing Praise nursery - Seminary. Published by Concordia Publishing House. CR.97-5868U1. a collection of songs to help young children as they pray, praise and offer their thanks to god. a collection of piggyback songs also available. contents. hello, everybody. gathering song. good morning. happy now we gather. helo, hello. how are you. i have a hello in my heart. i like to be in sunday school. our church family. we are in god's house today. dear father in heaven. father, i adore you. god, our father, hear your children. i am sorry, jesus. jesus listens when i pray. we pray for each other. the lord is good to me. our hands we fold. thank you for the world so sweet. say to the lord, i love you. chatter with the angels. i can stamp. father, bless the gifts we bring you. since my heavenly father. amigos de cristo. god's care. i am trusting you, lord jesus. i have a friend. i'm as happy as can be. god has sent his angels down. god is near. i'm growing. i'm sorry. i'm glad. i have hands. happy birthday to you. god's a father kind and true. love, love, love. i'm with you. jesus wants me for a helper. jesus, you help. love in a box. two little eyes. my hands and feet. won't you come and sit with me. when i'm feeling scared or sad. all night, all day. closing prayer. good-bye. good-bye, good-bye. jesus loves the little ones. jesus loves me, this i know. jesus is my special friend. there is a name i love to hear. my best friend is jesus. jesus. what a name. alleluia. lord, to whom shall we go. the b-i-b-l-e. the best book of all. psalm 8. rejoice in the lord always. this is the day. we love. my bible book. zacchaeus. a hymn of glory let us sing. glory, glory, hallelujah. earth and all stars. god is so good. hallelujah. praise ye the lord. happy all the time. if you feel happy. it's good to give thanks. i have the joy. making melody in my heart. my god is so great. praise god, from whom all blessings flow. rise and shine. praise him, praise him. thank you, loving father. we plow the fields and scatter. the butterfly song. oh, who can make a flower. who made the sky so bright and blue. god made me. god gave me eyes. god made me, every part you see. jesus, our good friend. the king of glory. light one candle. advent wreath song. as each happy christmas. in a little stable. away in a manger. cradle song. away in a manger. go tell it on the mountain. god loves me dearly. little children, can you tell. hark. the herald angels sing. oh, come, all ye faithful. let our gladness have no end. happy birthday, jesus. happy birthday, lord. mary had a baby. christmas news. jesus came from heaven. happy day. glory be to jesus. do you know who died for me. jesus loves the little children. hosanna. hosanna. this is the feast. christ the lord is risen today. alleluia. jesus christ is risen today. christ the lord is risen today. i was baptized. baptism song. child of god. come and go with me. i can tell. god love you. i love to tell the story. he's got the whole world in his hands. god made you. this little gospel light of mine. go tell. let us sing for joy. we are the church.Translation
Little Ones Sing Praise nursery - Seminary. Published by Concordia Publishing House. CR.97-5868U1. a collection of songs to help young children as they pray, praise and offer their thanks to god. a collection of piggyback songs also available. contents. hello, everybody. gathering song. good morning. happy now we gather. helo, hello. how are you. i have a hello in my heart. i like to be in sunday school. our church family. we are in god's house today. dear father in heaven. father, i adore you. god, our father, hear your children. i am sorry, jesus. jesus listens when i pray. we pray for each other. the lord is good to me. our hands we fold. thank you for the world so sweet. say to the lord, i love you. chatter with the angels. i can stamp. father, bless the gifts we bring you. since my heavenly father. amigos de cristo. god's care. i am trusting you, lord jesus. i have a friend. i'm as happy as can be. god has sent his angels down. god is near. i'm growing. i'm sorry. i'm glad. i have hands. happy birthday to you. god's a father kind and true. love, love, love. i'm with you. jesus wants me for a helper. jesus, you help. love in a box. two little eyes. my hands and feet. won't you come and sit with me. when i'm feeling scared or sad. all night, all day. closing prayer. good-bye. good-bye, good-bye. jesus loves the little ones. jesus loves me, this i know. jesus is my special friend. there is a name i love to hear. my best friend is jesus. jesus. what a name. alleluia. lord, to whom shall we go. the b-i-b-l-e. the best book of all. psalm 8. rejoice in the lord always. this is the day. we love. my bible book. zacchaeus. a hymn of glory let us sing. glory, glory, hallelujah. earth and all stars. god is so good. hallelujah. praise ye the lord. happy all the time. if you feel happy. it's good to give thanks. i have the joy. making melody in my heart. my god is so great. praise god, from whom all blessings flow. rise and shine. praise him, praise him. thank you, loving father. we plow the fields and scatter. the butterfly song. oh, who can make a flower. who made the sky so bright and blue. god made me. god gave me eyes. god made me, every part you see. jesus, our good friend. the king of glory. light one candle. advent wreath song. as each happy christmas. in a little stable. away in a manger. cradle song. away in a manger. go tell it on the mountain. god loves me dearly. little children, can you tell. hark. the herald angels sing. oh, come, all ye faithful. let our gladness have no end. happy birthday, jesus. happy birthday, lord. mary had a baby. christmas news. jesus came from heaven. happy day. glory be to jesus. do you know who died for me. jesus loves the little children. hosanna. hosanna. this is the feast. christ the lord is risen today. alleluia. jesus christ is risen today. christ the lord is risen today. i was baptized. baptism song. child of god. come and go with me. i can tell. god love you. i love to tell the story. he's got the whole world in his hands. god made you. this little gospel light of mine. go tell. let us sing for joy. we are the church.Popular requests