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Goyescas 2. Piano Solo sheet music.Translation
Goyescas 2. Piano Solo sheet music.Original
Goyescas 2 composed by De Larrocha Granados. For Piano. Published by Editorial de Musica Boileau. BO.B.3304. ISBN 84-8020-678-0. English comments. Granados wrote a considerable number of compositions inspired by the paintings of Francisco de Goya, works which reached their culmination in the piano suite entitled Goyescas-Los majos enamorados. The popularity of this suite has led to a common misconception that the term Goyescas refers only to those pieces which make up its two parts. In fact, the cycle of "Goyescas" includes not only the works contained in the suite and the opera of the same name. which generally coincides with the music of the piano suite. , but also El pelele and Intermezzo. from the opera Goyescas. , both of which are works that are independent from the piano suite. In addition, there is another group of pieces that served as the basis for Goyescas-Los majos enamorados, comprising Jacara, Crepusculo and Serenata goyesca and the Tonadillas for voice and piano. Goyescas-Los majos enamorados is a formidable challenge for the performer, given that its complex passagework, elaborate ornamentation and dense texture require a virtuoso level of pianistic technique. Along with Iberia by Isaac Albeniz, Goyescas is the zenith of Spanish piano music. Comentarios del Espanol. Granados escribio un considerable numero de obras inspiradas en la obra pictorica de Francisco de Goya, que sin duda encontraron su punto culminante en la suite para piano titulada Goyescas-Los majos enamorados. La popularidad de la mencionada suite supone que a menudo se entiendan por Goyescas unicamente las piezas que integran las dos partes de Goyescas-Los majos enamorados. Sin embargo, en realidad pertenecen al ciclo de "Goyescas" todas las piezas de la suite y tambien todos los numeros de la opera Goyescas, coincidentes en su mayor parte con los de la obra para piano, pero que incluyen ademas El pelele y Intermezzo, ambas independientes de la suite en su version pianistica. Tambien pertenece a este apartado un pequeno grupo de obras para piano que sirvieron de base para la posterior elaboracion de Goyescas-Los majos enamorados. Jacara, Crepusculo y Serenata goyesca. asi como las Tonadillas para voz y piano. El conjunto de obras que componen Goyescas-Los majos enamorados representa un reto formidable para los interpretes, debido al hecho de que sus complejos pasajes, su elaborada ornamentacion y densa textura requieren un alto nivel de virtuosismo pianistico. Esta obra representa, junto con Iberia de Albeniz, la cumbre de la musica espanola para piano.Translation
Goyescas 2 composed by De Larrocha Granados. For Piano. Published by Editorial de Musica Boileau. BO.B.3304. ISBN 84-8020-678-0. English comments. Granados wrote a considerable number of compositions inspired by the paintings of Francisco de Goya, works which reached their culmination in the piano suite entitled Goyescas-Los majos enamorados. The popularity of this suite has led to a common misconception that the term Goyescas refers only to those pieces which make up its two parts. In fact, the cycle of "Goyescas" includes not only the works contained in the suite and the opera of the same name. which generally coincides with the music of the piano suite. , but also El pelele and Intermezzo. from the opera Goyescas. , both of which are works that are independent from the piano suite. In addition, there is another group of pieces that served as the basis for Goyescas-Los majos enamorados, comprising Jacara, Crepusculo and Serenata goyesca and the Tonadillas for voice and piano. Goyescas-Los majos enamorados is a formidable challenge for the performer, given that its complex passagework, elaborate ornamentation and dense texture require a virtuoso level of pianistic technique. Along with Iberia by Isaac Albeniz, Goyescas is the zenith of Spanish piano music. Spanish Comments. Granados wrote a considerable number of pictorial inspired by Francisco Goya's works, it definitely found its climax in the piano suite entitled The majos Goyescas-love. The popularity of that suite is often supposed to understand by Goyescas only parts that make up the two parts of Goyescas-The majos love. However, actually belong to the cycle of "Goyescas" all parts of the suite and also all the numbers of the opera Goyescas, mostly coincident with the piano work, but also include the bubbler and Intermezzo, both independent of the suite in his pianistic version. Also belongs in this group a small piano pieces which formed the basis for further elaboration of Goyescas-The majos love. Jacara, and Goya Twilight Serenade. Tonadillas well as for voice and piano. The works that make Goyescas-The majos love represents a formidable challenge for the performers, due to the fact that their complex passages, its elaborate decoration and dense texture require a high level of pianistic virtuosity. This work represents, along with Albeniz Iberia, the top of the Spanish music for piano.Popular requests
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