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School Rules. Brad Green. Choir sheet music.


School Rules. Brad Green. Choir sheet music.


School Rules. Manners and Classroom Procedure Songs. Composed by Brad Green. For Choral. TEACHER ED. Expressive Art. Choral. 64 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.9971245. ISBN 1423464575. 8.5x11 inches. Rather than say it, why not sing it. School Rules is packed with attention grabbers, songs about good behavior, manners, lesson openers and closers, self esteem, procedures, sharing, being a good student and much more – 46 songs in all. For added value, the music pages are reproducible with melody line and chord symbols, and each song offers helpful teaching tips and a host of cross-curricular activities. So, tell the elementary classroom teachers in your school. They'll find these songs helpful, too. A performance. accompaniment CD is also available separately or in a Classroom Kit with the Teacher book. There are helpful demonstration tracks to help learn the songs and accompaniment tracks when teacher and students want to showcase their own voices. Suggested for Grades K-4. Say Your Name. Hello. Clean Up. The Golden Rule. Be Careful. Be Still. A Song To Pass Things Out. Always Share. Before You Speak, Raise Your Hand. Buenos Dias. Clap One Time If You Can Hear My Voice. Come To Attention. Criss-Cross Applesauce. Do You Have What You Need. Don't Forget Your Homework. Everybody Listen. Find A Partner. Follow Instructions. Get Ready To Start The Day. Give Me The Magic Five. Go Back To Your Place. Hocus Pocus Everybody Focus. It's OK To Have Different Feelings. It's Time To Say Goodbye. Keep Your Hands To Yourself. Life Is Better With Friends. Make A Choice. Make A Circle. Make A Line. Marshmallow Mouth. Move In 5-4-3-2-1. Please And Thank You. Polka Dot Spot. Rules Song. Show Respect. Stand Up, Sit Down. Stay In Your Seat. Take Turns. There Are Two Minutes Left. Toodle-Oodle-Oo. Walk, Don't Run. Wash Your Hands. When You Move Around The Room. When You Say Hello. When You Use Good Manners. You'll Need Your Book For This Activity.


School Rules. Manners and Classroom Procedure Songs. Composed by Brad Green. For Choral. TEACHER ED. Expressive Art. Choral. 64 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.9971245. ISBN 1423464575. 8.5x11 inches. Rather than say it, why not sing it. School Rules is packed with attention grabbers, songs about good behavior, manners, lesson openers and closers, self esteem, procedures, sharing, being a good student and much more – 46 songs in all. For added value, the music pages are reproducible with melody line and chord symbols, and each song offers helpful teaching tips and a host of cross-curricular activities. So, tell the elementary classroom teachers in your school. They'll find these songs helpful, too. A performance. accompaniment CD is also available separately or in a Classroom Kit with the Teacher book. There are helpful demonstration tracks to help learn the songs and accompaniment tracks when teacher and students want to showcase their own voices. Suggested for Grades K-4. Say Your Name. Hello. Clean Up. The Golden Rule. Be Careful. Be Still. A Song To Pass Things Out. Always Share. Before You Speak, Raise Your Hand. Good Morning. Clap One Time If You Can Hear My Voice. Come To Attention. Criss-Cross Applesauce. Do You Have What You Need. Don't Forget Your Homework. Everybody Listen. Find A Partner. Follow Instructions. Get Ready To Start The Day. Give Me The Magic Five. Go Back To Your Place. Hocus Pocus Everybody Focus. It's OK To Have Different Feelings. It's Time To Say Goodbye. Keep Your Hands To Yourself. Life Is Better With Friends. Make A Choice. Make A Circle. Make A Line. Marshmallow Mouth. Move In 5-4-3-2-1. Please And Thank You. Polka Dot Spot. Rules Song. Show Respect. Stand Up, Sit Down. Stay In Your Seat. Take Turns. There Are Two Minutes Left. Toodle-Oodle-Oo. Walk, Don't Run. Wash Your Hands. When You Move Around The Room. When You Say Hello. When You Use Good Manners. You'll Need Your Book For This Activity.