
Sheet music $2.50


Etude 1.0 2.5 for Piano Solo from 25 Etudes using Symmetry, Mirroring and Intervals. Piano Method sheet music. Piano Solo sheet music. Intermediate.


Etude 1.0 2.5 for Piano Solo from 25 Etudes using Symmetry, Mirroring and Intervals. Piano Method sheet music. Piano Solo sheet music. Intermediate.


Etude 1.0 2.5 for Piano Solo from 25 Etudes using Symmetry, Mirroring and Intervals composed by Michael Bomier. For Piano, Piano Solo, Keyboard. Synthesizer. 21st Century, Etudes and Exercises, Repertoire, General Instructional, Secular. Intermediate. Sheet Music Single. Michael Bomier #GE25E1.02.5. Published by Michael Bomier. S0.26264. The combination of a 4th and a wholestep makes a structure known as the tritonic scale. Simply a three-tone scale, nothing more to it than that. highly pianistic, very mirror-able, and able to display sudden and dramatic shifts in harmonic colors while keeping a steady cascade of notes in motion. Octaves in the left hand make both a bassline and a melody underneath these arpeggiated scalar figures. The piece is in 12. 8 time, as is often used for these three-notes up-three notes down, and back again kind of elements. The mirroring here is less topographical than the other pieces, but the contrary motion and mirrored fingerings persist, as does the strict use of the intervals at hand. Approx running time is 3 mins 15 secs. A Fun piece for the display of the sound of the piano, and the display of the ability of the player to maintain a flowing 1. 8-note triplet motion through many different shades of major and minor, lydian and phrygian. Digital Print is printable sheet music available anytime, anywhere. Just purchase, print and play. View your online sheet music at home, school, work or anywhere you have a computer connected to the Internet. Use our iPad app to view your digital sheet music on the go. With Digital Print, you can print your digital sheet music immediately after purchase, or wait until its convenient. And our software installation is easy - we'll guide you through the simple steps to make sure you have Adobe Flash Player, Adobe AIR and the Sheet Music Plus AIR application.


Etude 1.0 2.5 for Piano Solo from 25 Etudes using Symmetry, Mirroring and Intervals composed by Michael Bomier. For Piano, Piano Solo, Keyboard. Synthesizer. 21st Century, Etudes and Exercises, Repertoire, General Instructional, Secular. Intermediate. Sheet Music Single. Michael Bomier #GE25E1.02.5. Published by Michael Bomier. S0.26264. The combination of a 4th and a wholestep makes a structure known as the tritonic scale. Simply a three-tone scale, nothing more to it than that. highly pianistic, very mirror-able, and able to display sudden and dramatic shifts in harmonic colors while keeping a steady cascade of notes in motion. Octaves in the left hand make both a bassline and a melody underneath these arpeggiated scalar figures. The piece is in 12. 8 time, as is often used for these three-notes up-three notes down, and back again kind of elements. The mirroring here is less topographical than the other pieces, but the contrary motion and mirrored fingerings persist, as does the strict use of the intervals at hand. Approx running time is 3 mins 15 secs. A Fun piece for the display of the sound of the piano, and the display of the ability of the player to maintain a flowing 1. 8-note triplet motion through many different shades of major and minor, lydian and phrygian. Digital Print is printable sheet music available anytime, anywhere. Just purchase, print and play. View your online sheet music at home, school, work or anywhere you have a computer connected to the Internet. Use our iPad app to view your digital sheet music on the go. With Digital Print, you can print your digital sheet music immediately after purchase, or wait until its convenient. And our software installation is easy - we'll guide you through the simple steps to make sure you have Adobe Flash Player, Adobe AIR and the Sheet Music Plus AIR application.